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Integrating yoga in all aspects of our life

Writer's picture: yogenayogena

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

The very meaning of yoga is union, and not just the body mind union it is living in union with all forms of our existence. According to ancient scripts, we exist more than just a body mind complex.

We have 5 states of existence or the 5 bodies

The 5 layers of existence are:

Annamaya kosha

We exist as the body, this is the physical layer of our existence and is made of matter. The 5 elements that make this layer are the earth, water, fire, air and space. When the physical body disintegrates it dissolves back into matter of these 5 elements. We care for the physical body with healthy food and exercise, this is the layer of our existence that asanas play an important role in.

Pranamaya kosha

We exist as the breath, this is the pranic layer of our existence. The life energy, Prana, that makes each and every cell carry its functions is the Pranamaya kosha. This is the body of vital energy or our energy body. With practices of pranayama, kriya, nada yoga, etc we regulate the prana and take care of our energy body.

Manomaya kosha

The mind with its perception, emotions and memory is the Manomaya kosha. This forms the mental body. When the mind has uncontrolled thoughts racing through it, it causes imbalances and disturbances that percolate to the physical and mental body.

Dhyana, Dharana and Bhakti help in developing mastery over the mind. In fact the yogic practices at the physical and prana level is done to subdue the racing thoughts and bring a state of peace.

Vijnanamaya kosha

This layer of existence is the knowledge body or the ego. The one who judges what is right and wrong based on our life's experiences and our condiotioning. To live a live of contenment and inner peace we need to work on this layet of our existence. Deeper spirititual preactices, ego work and examination of the Self help us explore our true existence.

Anandamaya kosha

The subtlest form of our existence is the blioss body or the Self. The one who has explored this state of existence is in bliss (ananda). He lives in harmony with all forms of existence the physical, enerygy, mental, emotional, social and spiritual levels. In yoga we aim to achieve this state of union with all layers of our existence.

Mastery over all the layers of our existence is yoga. Disturbances in some or all of the layers of existence causes disease. This concept of Adhija Vyadhi explains how disturbances in the subtle layers of existence, percolates to the physical body. We shall explore more about adhija vyadhi in the coming blogs

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